Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No Japan Trip in June

Sam had a bad news for me this morning. Dia bilang usaha plastik dia lagi mengalami kerugian jadi rencana awal tur ke Jepang bakal diundur sampe Desember =.= Pembukuan juga kacau balau di sana jadi sampe semuanya disortir dengan jelas, baru deh kita bisa jalan2. I feel sad but it's still okay. I'm trying to be an understanding wife here hehehe.... I mean it's not like "I have to go Japan or I'll die" situation. At times like this I'm sure he needs my support so I told him, "It's not a big deal really... Japan can wait." Padahal sih kecewa ya pasti kecewa hehehe... just that this time I tried not to show it. I can still find other activities to keep my kids and me happy during the holidays *positive thinking* Photobucket

Yesterday, I only cooked 2 dishes; chicken and vegetables. As for the chicken, I got the recipe from a magazine. It's supposed to be called Mexican Wings but since I'm not using chicken wings, I don't know what I should call it... Mexican Chicken? Hahaha...


I also tried baking Oreo Butter Cake since I still have tons of oreo in the cupboard.



Kinda reminded me of Suli's 'Pentil Ungu' cupcakes except mine in a much larger version hahaha....

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