Monday, May 19, 2008

WeekenD watchinG Narnia

It's funny how blogging really depends on my mood. Sometimes I got tons of things to blog about but too lazy to do so....and when I find the time to do it, I totally forgot what I want to share. Just like today. *Sigh*

On Saturday the kids and I had lunch with my FIL in Chatterbox PS. Yes, the place I vowed not to step my feet on again but there's nothing I can do since 3 votes against 1 =.= I ordered Fried Hokkien Mie and as usual am disappointed again. Never a little more than a month I will be in Singapore eating my favorite food. I'll be leaving on the 26th. Will be back on 30th since Sam said in order for us to go for a trip end of the year, he can't take too long vacation. After that we went to Senayan Premiere to buy ticket for Sunday show. Left PS and went to Puri Mall. Casey and Cecil wanted to buy something. Came home and practically did nothing. Sam was out with others in plastic business to have a meeting until 9pm.

Sunday morning, Sam went with us to church. Yes, surprise, surprise hehehe... Lebih tepatnya Sam dipaksa ma mertu untuk pergi hahaha.... Church was really boring us to death yesterday. The priest was preaching something that is putting all of us to sleep. Seriously! I looked around thinking I was the only one who's bored. Sam was already not in his seat. He told me earlier that he needs some fresh air. Around the church, I see some people dozing off, some yawning, some like me, can only sigh and shake their heads. He preached for almost 1 freaking hour!!!!

Went to my dad's place straight away. Stayed there till around 3pm and we left for Plaza Senayan. We watched "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian"


I think it's a pretty good one although not as exciting as the 1st. Plus the villian isn't as wicked as the White Witch. The one playing Prince Caspian, Peter and Edmund are all handsome but I think the most handsome one of all is Aslan, the lion hahaha... I imagine if I'm living in the animal kingdom, that Aslan will be like my idol.

Went to Grand Hyatt Sumire to have dinner afterwards. Sam ordered the usual kobe beef with one set menu. I'm getting sick of kobe beef now =.=

For Sweet Sale we already earned about Rp 565.600,- up till this moment.

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